Come join us for a spectacular time at the Caterpillar and the Blackbird. Playing at these theatres:
The De La Warr Theatre, Bexhill - Wednesday 28th August 12:30 & 3:30 - Book Tickets
The Stag Theatre - Sevenoaks - Friday 30th & Saturday 31st August - Times pending.
Teacher Reviews for the Caterpillar and the Blackbird:
"Our Year 6's loved it! We loved the colour, we loved the songs, and the dancing, and they really liked Caterpillar Tim! Lovely story, loads of fun." Claremont School, East Sussex.
"Great show, fantastic show, the children loved it! Great Storyline, fantastic music, really got the audience involved as well, which is great for the children. I recommend it!" Battle Abbey, East Sussex
"Our Students absolutely loved it! Everybody from the Prep has had the most amazing time. Lots of smiles and lots of interaction. So Lovely to meet the characters at the end." Battle Abbey Prep. East Sussex
"Amazing show, our Year 4 students really loved it. Very engaging and a wonderful story filled with music and great dancing." St Thomas School, Sevenoaks.
Audience Reviews for the Caterpillar and the Blackbird:
“My kids loved the Caterpillar and the Blackbird, I've never taken them to the theatre before, it was great.”
"Really loved the songs and the dancing.”
"Thank you for putting it on in the festival, we really loved the Caterpillar and the Blackbird."
“A real feel good and inspiring show. My whole family loved it, especially my kids.”
“Great fun and a wonderful message.”
“My family wanted to see it again as soon as it ended!”
Care Home / Resident's reviews:
"Our residents thoroughly enjoyed the show." Carer
"It was absolutely brilliant! Superb." Senior and carer
"Wonderful, it had something for everyone..." Carer​
Visit our NarraDance YouTube channel for more show reviews: YouTube